Deva’s Prayer

When Brahmā and Viṣṇu fought for supremacy and the powerful suparṇa astra and anala astra were released, it consumed much of the worlds. Then they prepared the maheśvara astra and paśupata astra that would destroy the entire creation. The devas rushed to Śiva and prayed.

सृष्टिः स्थितिश्च संहारस्तिरोभावोऽप्यनुग्रहः।
यस्मात्प्रवर्तते तस्मै ब्रह्मणे च त्रिशूलिने॥
sṛṣṭiḥ sthitiśca saṁhārastirobhāvo’pyanugrahaḥ|
yasmātpravartate tasmai brahmaṇe ca triśūline||

The mantra recited by the devas referred to the pañca-kṛtya, the five principal duties. These are mentioned in the very first line as सृष्टिः (sṛṣṭi) स्थिति (sthiti) संहार (saṁhāra) तिरोभाव (tirobhāva) and अनुग्रह (anugraha). Together they are the five parts of the sūkṣma pañcākṣarī mantra ॐ (auṁ). The hidden mantra in the first line of the prayer of the devas is ॐ (auṁ). The second line refers to the pañca-brahma (Pañcānana Śiva) as well as the mantra ‘ॐ नमः त्रिशूलिने’.

Śiva teaches that Brahmā अ (a), Viṣṇu उ (u) and Rudra म (ṁ) are at the same level [hence they combine as the three stages of life into one being as औं (auṁ). His origin manifests as the three guṇa avatāra. They carry out three of the Pañca-kṛtya (Five Duties).
1. Sṛṣṭi (Creation) अ (a), is assigned as duty of Brahmā and He has a dominance of Rajas Guṇa. In jyotiṣa the two graha with dominant rajas are Śukra (Ve) and Budha (Me) who primarily create the paśu (animals) and vṛkṣa (trees) respectively. Jīvātman enter the paśu yoni from 7th bhāva and are delivered in lagna bhāva. Similarly, jīvātman enter vṛkṣa yoni from 10th bhāva and are delivered in 4th bhāva.
2. Sthiti (Preservation) उ (u) is assigned as duty of Viṣṇu and He has a dominance of Sattva Guṇa. In jyotiṣa the three graha with dominant sattva are Bṛhaspati (Ju), Sūrya (Su) and Chandra (Mo).
3. Laya (Destruction) म (ṁ) is assigned as duty of Rudra and He has a dominance of Tamas Guṇa. In jyotiṣa the two graha with dominant tamas for laya are Maṅgala (Ma) and Śani (Sa).
4. Tirobhāva (Concealment and Revival) referred to as the nāda (ँ) is assigned to Maheśvara as the fourth manifestation of Śiva. This is the life after death and the jīvātman is concealed from the manifested world. Carried away by Rāhu (Illusion) to be hidden on the far side of the Moon and in other loka, tala or naraka until the time is ripe for rebirth.
5. Anugraha (Salvation) referred to as the bindu (●) is assigned to Himself by Śiva. This is the mokṣa, kaivalyam and such other names.
The first four duties together termed सर्ग (sarga) and are the natural world. The is the four-fold expansion of Śakti which is the expansion of Śiva. Thereafter the Lord teaches the oṁkāra as the combined potential of Himself and His Śakti. Recitation of this mantra in various ways provides extraordinary potency.

1 thought on “Deva’s Prayer

  1. Sanjayji – Namaste. Its always great to hear words of wisdom from you. Just now saw a random video which came on my feed. Something which always happens…..random info comes flying from somewhere.
    As per this Mahabharat war started in Margashirsha month, Shukla Paksha Chaturdashi when Moon is in sandhi of Krittika and Rohini Nakshatra. Is that true, since there are too many dates flying on the internet. War lasted 18 days and Abhimanyu was killed on 13th day. In 2022 on Dec 7th was kinda that day…or am I wrong? On Dec 20th my husband’s nephew passed away. Such co-incidence. Is the worst over?….or yet to come…wars aren’t good…peace is….I absolutely cant stand hatred…I love love….amongst all humans…for humans and nature…….I don’t want anybody to die….the ones who go leave the mothers crying…..may it not happen…….not this time……..Om Shanti!

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